Comedy Express is an Indian comedy series created by Shashikant Bhalekar and Dnyanesh Bhalekar along with Yash Entertainment, which aired on ETV Marathi from June 12, 2008 till date. The series revolves around a group of characters who play short skits with characters of varied class and genre often having comedy and sarcasm as its theme. The series was produced by Shashikant Bhalekar, in association with Yash Entertainment. The original executive producers is Ganesh Sagade. ==Characters== * Amruta Khanvilkar - Marathi actress is anchoring the show right from first episode. The show is well anchored by her graceful and unique style which appeals to audience. * Sunil Tawade - Versatile actor in Marathi television plays famous characters like "Kavi", "Jahapanah" and "Visarbhole" * Arun Kadam - Boxer Bhai Arun Kadam making people laugh by his energetic performances. His performances in Agri languages makes people fall and laugh. * Abhijeet Chavan - Plays famous character "Master" and many more. His punch line “Benchvar…. Bench var ubha Karen” is famous amongst the viewers. * Ashish Pawar - Very energetic actor who plays naughty school boy "Bandu" and "Mr.Haa" in Comedy Express. Also plays many characters and perform at his level best to entertain viewers. * Bhushan Kadu - Worked in famous plays like "Janun Bujun", "Ek Daav Bhatacha", "Bhatachi Bipass". Showing his versatility by playing "Moru" and "Salim" and many other characters. * Kamlakar Satpute - Make performance hilarious by his timing sense and innocence. Plays characters like "Mr.Popat Bane, Inspector Kavi" whose tag line “Eke divshi kai Jhale” is very much famous. Also plays “Songadya" and other characters. * Suhas Paranjape - Actress having good sense of humour played various roles in plays like "Tumcha Mulaga Karto Kai", "Celebretion" Playing “Chingi” and many other characters in Comedy Express. * Meghana Erande - Actress who is as well famous as a voice artist who plays roles like "Anarkali", "Varsha" and many more. * Santosh Mayekar - Making people laugh by performing in famous play “Vastraharan” makes people to think by his comments on current issues by playing "Shahir". * Ananda Karekar - Plays famous character "Besurkumar" and makes people laugh by his performances. * Nirmala Kotnis - Plays famous character "Bhavna Chalavte" and make people laugh by her glamorous performance. * Pradip Patwardhan - One of the most senior actor from Marathi industry, who played roles in plays like “Moruchi Mavshi”, “Baiko Asun Shejari”,”Chal Kahitraich Kai”, still making people to laugh by his performances in Comedy Express 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Comedy Express」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク